Monday, January 30, 2012

something to share...

"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God…"
2 Timothy 1:6-8

"Consider what God has placed in you for the whole world to see and hear. Don’t fear living out whatever that is. Fan it into flame and abound in love and self-control as you operate in the gifts He’s placed in you. Be a vessel who displays for others His love for you and all the world."

DD Verse from thedailyverse

I thought I would share some of the things I was reading up on today. It seems that fear has been a subject that I have had to become very familiar with the past few years of my life. Considering that I am a fearful, shy kid at heart, I can say that I know the benefits of surpassing the fear stage and feeling the wonders of gods true plan which lives outside of the realm in which fear sits.
Earlier today I was listening to a sermon on the radio and he said "fear is the quickest and easiest gateway to keep you from gods plan". This sentence really hit home for me. Granted within context he was talking about many different things, but the main point is simply that God has made us a promise to be there for us when we need him. We cannot expect to do things without his help and it is only when we are involved in a real living relationship with God can we truly be on cue with what his plan is for us. The nice thing to know is that he only ever has our best intentions at heart. That wonderful feeling called love is something that God shares with us and how great it is to know that our creator feels the love that we feel or rather, we feel the love that he feels** hehe 
I do not want to disregard his plan by living in fear. So I think the theme for this year is "2012 the year of no fear!" woo woo. Of course we will want to continue the theme of no fear for the years following.. just seems like a good time to start the awareness)) 

"For the atheist whom says he doesn't believe..."
We are all believers, every single one of us. It is "what" we believe that may be different, but nevertheless, we are still both believers. Whats that you say? You believe in facts! Not my silly fiction? It is a matter of logic that the finite can neither prove nor disprove the infinite. Again I say we are both believers, you simply believe there is no God, while I simply believe that there is a God. 
Faith is the moral response to the character of God. True science does not argue the existence of something that it can never prove. Rather a good scientist looks at the evidence and makes decisions based on proof rather than pure assumptions. Think about a large majority of anti-christian claims by "top-level scientists" what is actually scientific about these claims for a godless universe?? Is the better explanation that aliens seeded us on  this planet?? are you kidding? Where did those aliens come from?? Where did the energy that started the big bang come from?? It seems like my questions will never end when I leave God out of the picture..
I do not have enough faith to believe in a universe without God. There is simply too many things I would have to leave to chance in order for me to be here right now. Typing away on my laptop. Enjoying my blessings and leisurely lifestyle. No, I know God is real, It's too silly for me to think that I'm random, do not allow false teachers to lead you astray for Jesus is the shepard)
"The fool has said in his heart, There is no God." Psalm 53:1

-God Bless

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