Wednesday, February 22, 2012

January 12th: Kinship In The Family Of God

This week has been a tough week for myself. It has been difficult not to feel lonely at times. It is not always easy to feel like we have everything we need to be happy. It is easier to assume that we are missing out in some way.. that we are the only one who thinks like us.. who can understand what we are going through... more often than not, we find ourselves having a pity party! This is not a worthwhile way of spending our time! I had to remind myself this today.. simply, God has much more planned for me than for me then to be sitting around thinking of how I could have it better.

Video had audio drops during render sorry))

True Love: 365 ~Jan 12~ Kinship In The Family Of God

TODAY'S SELF-CHALLENGE:  When the thought arrives to dwell on a self-situation, turn it around and begin planning something you can do for someone else you care about a lot! ))))

-God Bless

"This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."
1 John 4:10

Sunday, February 19, 2012

January 6th: A Soul Filled With Light From Heaven

 "Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."
-Romans 13:10

Hello! I hope your having a wonderful day! If not, please say a quick prayer, give it to God, and continue reading! :) Acknowledge the fact that life is difficult! Not just difficult but really really hard! Not only that, but it get's confusing and frustrating when we do not see what is in our future.. or more so, it seems that our future does not have much in store for us. We need to acknowledge this so that we can understand that it is also a bunch of "B-S".

You are worth more than you can possibly imagine! When you are feeling alone and the most weak, when you are tired and feeling helpless! This is when God is watching you closely to see how you will respond! Will you give up? Will you cry out for him to help? Will you try to do it alone?

We need to be honest with ourselves about our current situations, try and think clearly so that you can begin following your dreams. No excuses. It's between you and God. He is the best support!!!

EXTRA TID BIT :) So the same day I recorded this video I also recorded my haircut video! Check it out!

The verse bellow is great :) Show's me a God who is more than confident))

“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
-Mark 9:23

-God Bless

Saturday, February 18, 2012

January 5th: Blessed... In The Eyes Of God

Good Evening!
Today's Vlog/Blog is focusing on blessings!
Count your blessings! ...impossible I say! God gives us so many blessings I would find it impossible to count the blessings he gives me. Not only am I unaware of a large majority of them, but I know that I do not fully understand the grace he has given all of us when he died on the cross only to be raised again. In doing so allowing us to repent our sins and gain access to the kingdom of heaven! I believe it fully, but I know I still do not quiet understand the magnitude of such a sacrifice..  How can I? ..after all I am human :p

What I CAN do is thank God for my family and friends. The fact that I am alive and healthy, not to mention I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach.. Many times I feel like I don't have all that I want.. God reminds me that he has given me all that I need and more! It is when I open my eyes that I can see what is in front of me and give thanks to his amazing blessings!

God Gives! 

True Love: 365 ~Jan 5~ Blessed... In The Eyes Of God

When times get tough, Smile! :D
You are being handed a hidden gift! :p

"The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing."
Psalm 34:10

Friday, February 17, 2012

February 11th: Standing By Faith In The Crucible Of Crisis

Hello! :) Lately I have been finding little reminders telling me I need to relax!
Sometimes when things seem to be too difficult and we are not sure which path to take, we need to relax and give it up to God. I don't mean like, sit on the couch and do nothing relax, I mean the take a deep breath, compose yourself, and then follow simple steps to get back on track... kind of relax :p

So easy it is to give up or simply feel like nobody cares whether we succeed or not. While this is not the case at all. God our father has a desperate desire to know each and everyone of us in the most intimate and personal ways possible. When we decide to give God our problems we show him that we are ready for him to be a living part of our lives. Not only will he look after us with absolute loving care, but we will also grow in comfort and confidence as we better our personal relationships with him.

::I'm sitting here at my laptop, in an unfinished basement, feeling sickly, and all I can think is how thankful I am to have the blessings that I do have. When I was a kid I dreamed of having gadgets, to play with music, most of all to find a way to express myself to people without feeling awkward or self-conscious. Through prayer, hard work, and love I have been blessed time and time again. Every time a new trial knocks at the door, I take that as a cue that God is wanting me to be even stronger! And if he wants me stronger, than he must want me for something great. I truly believe that we all have a "great" purpose! Please do not be timid about your dreams.. The creator of it all has your back and it's time to start our dreams!

True Love: 365 ~Feb 11~ Standing By Faith In The Crucible Of Crisis

"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."
-Ephesians 6:4

-God Bless

Our God is an Awesome God!

Goodmorning! Today I have many things to do, but I would like to start with a fun video post!
Back in 2008 I worked at a plastic factory and used to enjoy making fun videos for my co-workers to watch and enjoy. Needless to say the big bosses did not like my videos. Now that it has been long enough I have been slowly re-uploading some of my work videos to youtube. Here is one of my earlier videos:

Considering that it was a filmed with my cell phone and edited quickly I still find it's one of my favorites!)

Luckily it isnt as long or crazy as my Dancing Overtime Video :p

I should have today's video and posting up by this evening. Thank you for your support)

"This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."
- 1 John 4:10

-God Bless

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 15th: What Way Are We To Follow?

The Lord is putting me through some trials right now,
Today is simple and short. Currently I have a lot going on in my world. Trying to find a job, keeping confidence, and motivating my self to continue working hard is what I am trying to do at the moment.
Here's the video for the 15th:
I should be getting better with my postings as the weeks continue. Thank you God for all that you do for me. 
I am giving it up to you.

True Love: 365 ~Feb 15~ What Way Are We To Follow?

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 14th: A Feeling, Healing Compassion

Everyday I think of selfish ways in which to use my time, talents, and blessings that were given to me for a greater purpose than I often live up to. It is when I start to step back from my normal Caleb way of looking at things that I can see things from a bigger better perspective other than, my little selfish world.
Of course everyone deserves somethings for themselves and I do think that God wants us to have things and be merry. But this is no excuse for excess and abundance when so much of the world is suffering.
I do not have answers to give people in this blog, but I do know that God listens, and that we can all do something even be it by prayer alone.. I promise that if you pray in your soul and in your heart, that God will show you the path in which you can do your part.

Today's Video is a quick one about Healing Compassion, Enjoy!

True Love: 365 ~Feb 14~ A Feeling, Healing Compassion

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
-Galatians 6:2

Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 10th: The Service Of Love In Every Situation

Jesus said to them, "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor." - Mark 6:4

It isn't often that we would choose to do something if we did not seek something in return, but this is exactly what Jesus says our attitudes should be like towards Christ. When we praise God or worship Him, we should be doing so as a natural response to God's being, and presence. Often I too forget that worship is not about making me feel good.. rather, worship is about giving God the praise he deserves. It should only come next that we will feel good as a by product of the whole situation of pleasing God and all :p.
Today's Vlog speaks about being a servant towards God:

True Love: 365 ~Feb 10~ The Service Of Love In Every Situation

"If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him." John 12:26

-God Bless

Thursday, February 9, 2012

This video says a lot..

So there's this song that I really hits me every time I hear it on the radio right now, I'd thought I would share:

We all desire God's love. 
Some people think they can find fulfillment in other worldly forms. 
They are lost and confused.
Seek Him and you will find Him.

I am far far from a perfect Christian, but I desire to be close to God. I make wrong decisions daily, but rather than continue contently, I try to better myself at every turn. Sometimes I make the same mistake over and over and over even though I know it is a mistake.. This is when the Sin has taken over and repentance is the only cure for my heart. I have to give up myself to God and allow him turn my mistakes into gold so that I may earn great value through my trials. Do not allow your trials to turn to dust! Invest them with the Lord!!!

-God BLESS! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

January 4th: Great Light In The Shadow Of Death

Today's Vlog is just a reminder to look out among the people you come into contact in a daily bases. Where in your day could you help further the message of Christ? The best place to shine your light is in the darkness! With God you will never fail! Where is your Capernaum?

True Love: 365 ~Jan 4~ Great Light In The Shadow Of Death

"And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." - Mark 16:15

-God Bless

Sunday, February 5, 2012

January 3rd: A Heritage In God's Family

We all have a home with our father in heaven! 
I have met some people who seem to think that Christianity is something that you must do certain tasks in order to become a part of the church community, etc..
This could not be further from the truth! God has given us all the internal (wifi), direct link, to him at all times!!! All we need to do is accept Jesus into our hearts, repent, pray, and most of all listen. Look around and use a humble heart as well as empathy for others to understand whats really going on. 
Why Jesus?
There are many reasons I could give for this. The most simple is that Jesus is God himself incarnate, he sacrificed himself by going through the most BRUTAL human experience, crucifixion and death, simply to prove that he is a God worthy of our love. In return you see much of civilization turn there backs and attempt to dismiss the Bible as myth and fantasy when much of History can be found in the pages of this Holy document.
The truth is in the pages.

True Love: 365 ~Jan 3~ A Heritage In God's Family

  • Love exists only if God exists and you can't tell me that love is something I have felt.
  • God is preparing a place for each and everyone of us in our forever home.
  • Stand Proud and Speak Loud for God is right behind you!

January 2nd: In The Presence of the King

I trust God even when it is difficult.. especially when it is difficult. Do not blame God for the pain and sorrows of the world. Understand that his perspective on death is much different from ours. When someone is united with God in heaven it is always a glory to him. I pity those who do not see God's character, instead they are fooled by demons and false prophets. Stand up for what you know in your heart to be true. 
When we sit and think about love and the feelings we have inside there is no doubt that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves. I do not pretend to know all the answers, but the nice thing is that I do not need all the answers to feel comfortable. I just need a relationship with the living loving God that is. When I pray, or even just speak to him in my mind during daily activities, I can feel him smiling at me because I am aware of his presence. I believe that God, like us, does not like to feel lonely. He DESIRES our attention and in return brings peace into our lives. How great is our God! :)
Acknowledge him, he is waiting)

 True Love: 365 ~Jan 2~ In The Presence of the King

"But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead…"
Philippians 3:13
"Forward motion isn’t always comfortable, but it is necessary. If you’re pressing forward, be encouraged that you’re on the right track – learning from but not living in the past – living in today with hope for tomorrow."

-God Bless

Friday, February 3, 2012

January 1st The Wonderful Names Of Jesus

Good day to you! :) Today I am finally doing something that I been wanting to do for years. For me it is difficult to post things about myself publicly. In part I feel like I might be judged but also because I do not want to say something or do something that might hinder any potential opportunities in my future.

More recently I understand that I have nothing to be scared of. My belief is strong and I know that God is with me. He is with you too. Right now. Take a moment. Enjoy him))


...seriously acknowledge his presence!!  lol how awkward, he is by our side and we often just ignore him. Not anymore! 

The Vlog for this post is about The Wonderful Names of Jesus:

While I was waiting for this video to render I made another recording to test my chroma key effect))) ill add that too just for fun)

"The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."
-Psalm 34:18
He is near. Lean in. 

-God Bless

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Preparing to VLOG!

Good Day! I have been trying to get my head defragmented so that I can begin doing my daily devotionals. I told myself several weeks ago that I wanted to begin discussing publicly some of the things that go on in my head. I have a lot of conversations with people and often I need a place to put my thoughts so that I can truly discuss my ideas more thoroughly.
I believe that God has a wonderful way of putting the right people in the right places, and I truly believe that he has a goal for me to be outspoken and passionate about my beliefs.
I have made a simple/random video basically just preparing myself more so for the vlogs to come. 


 I am nervous to begin this vlog series, at the same time I am very excited to grow in the body of Christ. I know that I will inevitably become more comfortable and confident with myself. Also I will be able to better my editing skills and knowledge of simple production techniques. Thanks for any support and God Bless! I'm going to get to work))